Learning Tracks: A New Way to Fuel Growth

After running hundreds of private learning programs with organizations, we noticed something interesting: no matter the organization’s industry or size, there were clear patterns in the knowledge and skills that they wanted their managers and teams to have. Armed with these observations and data, our Learning Experience Team worked with L&D leaders across the globe to launch a new offering: Learning Tracks.

What are Learning Tracks?

While Hone offers a myriad of live, online classes that can be taken a la carte, our L&D partners and learners noticed increased impact when certain classes were taken sequentially. Through the combination of our aggregated learner data and feedback from L&D leaders, we created Learning Tracks: four class sequences that help learners efficiently master a core leadership principle through deeper, continuous engagement with a set of related subjects.

What Learning Tracks have you launched?

We built our first four Learning Tracks based on the most sought-after leadership skills. They are:

  • Manager Essentials
  • Create a Culture of Belonging
  • Lead Through Difficult Times
  • Boost My Team’s Productivity
  • Clinflict Management

How can Learning Tracks help me meet my professional goals?

Since our initial Learning Tracks are based on the most sought-after leadership skills, there’s a good chance that your professional goals are aligned with at least one theme. Learning Tracks offer a fast, efficient way to learn: they are intentionally sequenced to build on each other, and each feature practical skills you can immediately put to use in your professional life.

Want to explore Hone Learning Tracks? Click here to start your free 14-day Hone Membership trial — in addition to Learning Tracks, you’ll also have unlimited access to a variety of a la carte classes focused on modern leadership.

How can Learning Tracks help my people?

For managers who are short on time (read: all managers) and deeply care about their people’s professional development, Learning Tracks offer a fast, effective way to build leadership skills — that last a lifetime: Hone’s classes are individually optimized for peer interaction, practice, and shared reflection. By sequencing them into Learning Tracks, we deepen the neural pathways that turn new skills into well-trained muscles.

Practically, Learning Tracks make leadership development turnkey for L&D leaders. Our Learning Tracks have been rigorously tested with thousands of learners across different levels, saving L&D professionals from dozens of hours spent on curriculum design, content curation, coordination, and more.

Develop universal skills and drive growth with practical, real-world insights.