How to Prepare Managers for Mid-Year Reviews

by Sam Levine

Mid-year reviews are the perfect time to pause and reflect on an employee’s performance, reassess goals, share feedback, and discuss professional development opportunities.

 1. The ability to objectively evaluate employee performance

We’re all victims of our own biases. When it comes to performance conversations, managers need to be aware of their unconscious biases so they give everyone a just and fair evaluation. 

2. Leading with empathy

When your managers approach performance conversations this year, remind them to act with empathy and go into these conversations with an open mind.

3. Giving feedback remotely

Conducting performance reviews over Zoom can be a little tricky as it’s harder to read body language and understand how employees are reacting to positive or constructive feedback.

Employee Resource Groups

To guide these conversations, Hone recommends training managers to use Sir John Whitmore’s GROW coaching model—which stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way Forward.

Just remember: professional development conversation should not be reserved solely for annual and mid-year reviews. Based on your conversation, managers should set periodic progress check-ins to hold reports accountable and keep these goals top of mind.