A Guide to Attracting and Hiring Diverse Talent
by Sam Levine
If your company is serious about increasing diversity, you’ll need to look critically at your talent acquisition practices to determine how to improve each step of your hiring process.
Attracting The Right Candidates with Your Job Descriptions
Your company’s job descriptions (JDs) are often the first interaction a potential applicant has with your company.
Prioritizing a Diverse Talent Slate
Getting diverse talent to apply to your open roles is one thing, but getting them to advance through your hiring process can be more complicated.
Building an Inclusive Interview Process
Once you’ve built your diverse talent slate, it’s time to start interviewing. Creating a fair and equal interview process can be tricky, but not impossible.
While finding and hiring diverse talent should be a top priority for every organization, the challenge doesn’t end there. Attracting diverse employees is meaningless if you can’t retain them.