Racism at Work: How you can step up to drive change
by Sam Levine
Although we have made significant strides over the past few decades, racism still permeates the modern workplace. But thanks to calls for change like the Black Lives Matter movement, companies are paying more attention than ever before. However, there’s a lot of work that has yet to be done: creating a workplace where diversity, inclusion, and equity are embraced and all employees can thrive does not happen overnight.
Why diversity matters
Many companies lack diverse leadership not only on their executive boards, but also in middle management roles. This lack of diversity can negatively impact organizations
The long journey ahead for workplace D&I
While many businesses have stepped up their internal diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging initiatives, we’re still a long way away from having a truly equitable American workplace.
Change starts with individuals Those who step up to the plate and put their best foot forward with conviction will emerge as the leaders of our modern workplace.